Department of 数学 Goals


P1. (感情)

学生 should appreciate the beauty, 有趣的, 和数学的力量, and be able to articulate what mathematics is about and what mathematicians do.

P2. (应用程序)

学生 should be able to link applications and theory, and be able to apply mathematics in a variety of settings.

P3. (调查)

学生 should develop mathematical independence and experience open-ended inquiry, so they have the competence and confidence to build on their knowledge base.

P4. (沟通)

学生 should develop effective thinking and communication skills.

P5. (技术)

学生 should be able to use technological tools appropriately and effectively.

P6. (社会)

学生 should strive to be good citizens who understand the impact of their work on society.

P7. (团队合作)

学生 should be able to 有趣的ction well as part of a team and have honed their leadership skills.

P8. (多样性)

学生 should be able to work and communicate with diverse groups of people of varying abilities who come from a variety of cultures.


C1. (宽度)

学生 should be competent in a broad range of mathematical skills and topics.

C2. (角度)

学生 should demonstrate that they can see key mathematical ideas and concepts from a variety of perspectives, including the view from other disciplines, 历史的视角, and the contributions of diverse cultures.

C3. (对偶)

Math majors should demonstrate that they can see key ideas from complementary points of view: continuous and discrete; algebraic and geometric; deterministic and stochastic; exact and approximate.

C4. (证明)

Math majors should learn to reason mathematically and read, understand, analyze, and produce proofs.

C5. (工具)

Math majors should learn concepts and methods from data analysis, 计算, 以及数学建模.

C6. (深度)

Math majors should see at least one mathematical area in depth in a sequence of upper-level courses.

C7. (项目)

数学专业的学生应该工作, independently or in a small group, on a substantial mathematical project that involves techniques and concepts beyond the typical content of a single course.

C8. (职业)

Math majors should be aware of careers in mathematics.
